“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be
My witnesses both in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria,
and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
[ Victory tithe's 15% of income to missions ]
MISSIONS as Neighborhoods & nations
Victory believes that Acts 1:8 shows us a biblical model of missions that we call "Neighborhoods & Nations"
Our "Jerusalem" is the Hampton Roads Peninsula i.e. Poquoson, Yorktown, Hampton and Newport News.
Our "Judea and Samaria" is our native country i.e. the United States.
Our "The Ends of the Earth" is the broader global evangelization i.e. the world.
our Missions & Missionaries
Care Net Peninsula, Newport News, VA
Poquoson Police Department, Poquoson, VA
International Cooperating Ministries, Hampton, VA
Victory Family YMCA, Yorktown VA
"Judea and Samaria"
Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance, Washington, DC
Urban Youth Collaborative, San Diego, CA
"The Ends of the earth"
Paul Ai, Paul Ai Ministries & Vietnamese Outreach International (VOI)
Laura & Dan Jennings, International Equipping Missions, West Africa
Troy & Lisa Tabor, Media Missions, Cambodia
Thom & Becky Davis, UNSION, Ecuador
Stephen & Sonia Wallace, Finland
Three ways you can support Missions!
Pray: Pray for our missions & missionaries.
Give: Give a monthly gift to help support missions.
Go: Sign up for Servant Saturday and a Missions Trip.