a working conversation toward a code of ethics
“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”
UPDATED: Dec 2024
Hey Pastor,
We are starting a conversation and we want you to be part of it. Below, you can see several codes of ethics from other ministries around the Assemblies of God as well as various industries. We contacted our presbyter and the network officers are aware. The Executive Presbyters are having conversations around an ethics document and a resolution has been submitted to them from us.
We're working on our first draft and will publish that on this page when we get a chance. When we draft, we will want some feedback, and continue the process until we have a consensus. But if there's anything you want us to see, look at, read, feel, touch, eat, fire it off to us!
So what do we want? We want a code of ethics. We don't want a network position, title, or power. Nope, we like pastoring here on the beach in Yorktown.
We don’t have a timeline or a deadline, we want to have a rigorous and robust conversation. We’re done when you’re done. We’ll update this page often. Join us!
Discover Ethics,
Stuart & Jamé
Here’s a working outline we’re thinking through:
“If we are not guided by principles and ethics, then we fall to the level of personal affections and politics.”
“I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God.”
“We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. ”
“(Ethics) this responsibility assumes two things: (1) We know what the standards are, and (2) we act consistently with them.”
HErE’s a few Models for us to think through:
HErE’s a few IDEAS From Industry:
Below is a number of industries ranging from real estate agents to psychologists to teachers to bankers to IT professionals, all of which have a code of ethics. We also want you to click on the link that will take you to a Washington State law that has a law against hunting Bigfoots, even Sasquatch hunters have a code of ethics. 😆😆😆
How much more should we have as ministers?